Addressing complicated healthcare inefficiencies with simple solutions.
Addressing complicated healthcare inefficiencies with simple solutions.
My mission is to empower patients, providers and businesses to create healthcare solutions. As a Doctor of Pharmacy, my main focus is providing specialized medication consulting services for your business to help increase revenue while keeping the patient the center focus of your practice. I help educate on medication and pharmacy services to increase the knowledge of patients, providers and businesses to grow in areas they did not think possible. At BHealth Consulting I want you to Be empowered, Be innovative and Be the solution
Have you ever wondered why you are taking a medication? Or a vitamin? Do you feel overwhelmed or confused by medications or a new diagnosis? Do you want to stop taking a medication? You are not alone. Over 145 million Americans suffer from chronic conditions and 50% of them are taking their medications incorrectly or not at all. Schedule or sign up for a one on one consultation, which includes a comprehensive medication review to ensure you are in control of your health and medications.
BHealth empowers medical providers by providing expertise in areas they lack experience or confidence in. We are medication experts with years of clinical experience and will give you the tools to assist your patients and change your way of practicing.
If your team is focused on primary care, is part of a large health system, an independent pharmacy, a private practice or does concierge medicine, we are here to help you initiate, implement and enhance services through education and coaching.
If your business model is not medically focused, but your clients or products are our personalized platform will enhance your ability to serve your clients and provide customized solutions tailored to meet their needs.
I love working with Independent pharmacies! If your DIR fees are dragging you down or dispensing medication is not cutting it, I can run analysis on your business to increase your bottom line. BHealth will empower you to Be the solution and create new revenue streams.
Amanda Starks / Read Full Review